TGS Media and Communication Policy
The Global Student (TGS) publishes these guidelines under advice from the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), in the interest of increasing awareness and understanding of global media and communication in an increasingly borderless world. When publishing, speaking publicly or engaging with media including local media in your host location, your own social media, or Australian media, it is important that you consider the following guidelines:
At no time may you represent yourself as an employee of the Australian Government or as a spokesperson for your university.
When talking about your participation in the program, refer to yourself as TGS interns.
While on program, avoid publicly commenting on sensitive political, economic, or social issues related to your host location or Australia, even if asked
Exercise sound judgement when invited to engage in local media activities in your host location. If in any doubt, ask TGS staff.
While on program, inform your university Mobility Program Coordinator before engaging in media activities or participating in interviews for Australian media outlets in Australia or overseas so the necessary approvals can be obtained.
While on program, inform your university Mobility Program Coordinator before authoring articles for third-party publication (e.g. in journals including online journals, your university newspaper or website) so the necessary approvals can be obtained where required.
Ensure that photography and videography related to TGS programs for use in publications, online and provided to TGS adheres to standards set out in the TGS Child Protection Policy and Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy.
Ensure that you consider the rules below before any photography and videography session during any TGS program:
• Always get permission from the host partner, school or internship host first
• Clearly communicate the purpose of any photography
• At schools, avoid capturing the school logo, student faces and any identifying features of a site even if photography is approved (Be careful that your documentation does not impede any learning moments at schools)
• Ensure your documentation provides no security threat to your host
You may maintain personal websites, blogs, and social media to share your experiences while participating in TGS program; however, the content you publish on these sites should in no way bring Australia, the Australian Government, the program, your institution, host location, host institution or host organization into disrepute.
Social media stories should highlight your engagement with your host location in the best possible light and provide insight into your personal, institutional, and professional connections. You may tag these posts with #your university #your host (with permission) and #TGS on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Always be mindful of TGS Student Code of Conduct and Behavior.
Could my comments or posted images cause anyone to lose confidence in my selection as a University, New Colombo Plan (NCP) or TGS participant?
Are my comments or posted images consistent with how Australian and international communities expect Australian university or TGS students to operate and behave?
Could my comments or posted images lower or undermine the reputation of TGS, my institution, host location, host institution, host organization or my own reputation? Could they damage bilateral or regional relationships?
Are my comments lawful in Australia and overseas? For example, do they comply with anti-discrimination legislation, the Crimes Act, the Criminal Code and laws relating to defamation?
Could my comments or posted images jeopardize my future employment?
How appropriate are my comments or posted images in the social and political environment in which they will be made?
TGS and your university welcome the sharing of photos, articles, videos, blogposts that promote your experience and may encourage others to take up the challenge of an international experience, just as you have. We are grateful for the receipt of good quality photos, videos or other kinds of digital communication vis social media and agree to acknowledge the producer of the content on all media channels.
Supporting Policies
The following are the resources that support the TGS Media and Communication Policy: