Global Professionals in ASEAN
Feedback from many businesses who host interns or employ fresh graduates suggest that many business degrees do not equip students with the basic skills for competitive entry into work.
With a focus on knowledge and theory, they often lack the professional skills that allow them to “hit the ground running” and facilitate an effortless transition from university to work. Students often lack the confidence to engage with superiors, to ask questions, or to communicate with team members from a different cultural background.
The Global Student has developed a program in conjunction with Malaysia Global Business Forum, Malaysia Australia Business Council and Global Victoria that develops work-ready skills, help understand processes and procedures necessary for a company or a project to succeed, and inspire confidence in communication and presence.
Have a look at the AustCham ASEAN annual business survey report for some exceptional insights.
Australia is actively seeking professionals who possess a deep understanding and proficiency in Asian literacy. This includes individuals with comprehensive knowledge and skills related to the cultural, economic, political, and social aspects of the ASEAN region. Such expertise is highly valued as Australia aims to enhance its engagement and collaboration with ASEAN member countries across various sectors and industries.
The program provides a basic training for those who aspire to gain experience in business development or consulting. Students will prepare for the world of work not commonly taught at university that recognises the role of global teams across most industries. During the Bootcamp students will undertake the following :
Practical skills in communication, report and proposal writing, presentation to stakeholders.
Intro to the various communication tools and technologies in Asia and how they are used.
Cross-cultural communication,” doing business” in Asia, and networking skills.
Research and planning for success in market.
Interns will be mentored throughout the program, and will complete an industry project, from concept to pitch for an organization that has a project, product or service that may be considered suitable for entry to the ASEAN market. Interns will be treated as staff and will be mentored throughout the program by members of the business chambers and trade and investment teams in the region.
Places limited to 20 students
Open to third or final year undergraduate or post graduate studies
intakes June 14, November 8 and January 10, 2025
Program Structure
1. “Intro to Business in ASEAN” Bootcamp
Students undertake a two-week business “bootcamp” where they will receive an introduction to ASEAN, and its importance as a bloc in terms of trade, investment, and economics. They will be introduced to the key players in the region and develop an understanding of the culture, history, and politics. The program includes the basics of international business communications such as introductions respect and forms of address, and cultural sensitivities around gender and religion. Students will receive an introduction to scoping and research in the business setting, planning and development of the project, and working in cross-cultural teams. On the final day, they will undertake preparation for their project.
2. The Internship
At the completion of the bootcamp, students move onto their projects in pairs or teams as interns, assuming the role of business professional as they work on bonafide business projects with clear outcomes. They will work independently and autonomously under the supervision and guidance of their mentor or advisor.
In addition, the intern will engage with other interns, have access to valuable networking with leaders in business and government, enjoy immersion into the local language and culture and obtain invaluable insights into working in Asia.
At the end of the fourth week, students present their pitch and submit their final written report.
3. ASEAN Professional Engagement program
At the completion of the 6 week program, interns will embark on a 4 month program of monthly activities with organisations that work within the Asian region aimed at providing networking, mentoring, continued language practice and access to further opportunities in the region. This will assist students to remain engaged with the region and the relationships they have developed, further enhancing employment options. Interns also receive a free membership to the ASEAN Australia Strategic Youth Partnership (AASYP), providing access to like-minded individuals via a platform that encourages skill development.