Student Health & Safety
At TGS, we give utmost importance to our students’ health and safety…
TGS aims to provide an educational and life-changing experience that allows for personal growth, the building of social networks, and most importantly fun! However, as an adult, you are responsible for your own behaviour, and managing the risks that are associated with travel and adventure in a foreign country. Just because a place, and even social practices may look familiar, they are not necessarily so. It is important for you to understand the culture and the laws of your host country to ensure you do not offend.
TGS provides pre-departure resources to help you prepare for the experience and follows this up with an orientation program that reinforces much of this information. Prior to departure all students will need to read and acknowledge the TGS Code of Conduct and Behaviour.
On arrival all program participants are given an emergency card containing the TGS hotline number and other numbers that may be required in the event of an emergency. During orientation we will explain protocols for supporting you in case of a major critical incident but also in the case of illness, accident or in case you are a victim of crime.
Program participants are responsible for managing their own risk and making informed decisions with guidance from TGS staff. All program participants should also register with the embassy of their country in the host destination – for Australians this is via the DFAT Smart Traveler website.
Students with Disabilities
Dating and Sexual Health
Drugs and Alcohol