5 Tips (for hosts) - for a successful Remote Internship
1. Select a great internship supervisor
The internship supervisor not only can be an ambassador for the host company, it can be an excellent development opportunity for a staff member to experience management. Make sure they are keen to be involved and can communicate confidently, and will ensure the intern feels welcome in the workplace
2. Be prepared
Ensure the intern is ready to hit the ground running with the appropriate software, log-ins, resources or other tools they will require.
Be clear about the chain of command, working hours, protocols in case of illness
Provide an online induction that introduces the company and relevant staff
Ensure staff know the intern is commencing and encourage them to reach out for a virtual coffee
3. Develop a structure around the program
discuss expectations, objectives, outcomes and timelines
detail communication tools and the protocols for when to use them
schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress and provide feedback
provide a calendar of company meetings or activities the intern could join.
4. Provide opportunities for networking and mentoring
Discuss career aspirations and motivations for undertaking the internship. Provide introductions to key industry people and have the intern “interview” them, which might be used for your company newsletter or website. Allow interns to join PD days or industry webinars that may be relevant.
5. Have an exit strategy
It is useful for the intern to make a final presentation on their experience where they can present their outcomes (where relevant) or reflect on their learnings, say their thankyous and goodbyes, and provide contact details for any follow up or potential visits in either direction. It is a useful way to bring closure to the internship, and can also be used to as a debrief where the company could seek suggestions as to what else might be included in future programs.